Family Reunion Visa for Close Family Members of Persons with Subsidiary Protection Status in Germany

Since 1 August 2018, close family members (spouses, minor children, and parents of minor children) of individuals with subsidiary protection status in Germany are eligible to apply for a family reunion visa. To proceed with your application, you are required to follow the steps below:

Registration Process:

  • Register your application details via the specified website (for family reunion visa).
  • After successful registration and verification of your documents by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Embassy will allocate appointments based on the order of registration.
  • Do not use the general appointment system; you must register via the above-mentioned website to proceed with your visa application.

Required Documents:

1. Application Forms

  • Filled-in national visa application form
  • Declaration form (Section 54 (2) 8 in conjunction with Section 53 of the Residence Act)

2. Biometric Photos

  • 3 biometric passport photos of the applicant (not older than 6 months)

3. Passport Copies

  • Copy of all pages of the applicant's passport (A4 size)
  • Copy of all pages of the family member's passport (A4 size)

4. Proof of Family Member's Status in Germany

  • Copy of family member's residence permit (“Aufenthaltstitel”) for Germany
  • Copy of the notice of recognition of subsidiary protection by the BAMF
  • Copy of the family member's Meldebescheinigung (residence certificate), not older than 6 months

5. Proof of Relationship to Family Member in Germany

  • To join a spouse:
    • Original Singhalese/Tamil marriage certificate + scanned copy certified by the Ministry of Foreign Relations + translation
  • To join a child:
    • Original Singhalese/Tamil marriage certificate + scanned copy certified by the Ministry of Foreign Relations + translation
    • Original Singhalese/Tamil child’s birth certificate + scanned copy certified by the Ministry of Foreign Relations + translation

6. Other Supporting Documents

  • Your original Singhalese/Tamil birth certificate + scanned copy certified by the Ministry of Foreign Relations + translation
  • Proof of German language courses attended in Sri Lanka (if available)
  • Proof of your educational degrees or diploma (if available)
  • Additional documents (if applicable) that provide information on your personal circumstances and living conditions in Sri Lanka (with translations)
  • From the family member in Germany (if available):
    • Language certificates, employment contract, tenancy agreement (“Mietvertrag”)

7. Custody or Death Documents (if applicable)

  • Original Singhalese/Tamil Decree Absolute and Decree Nisi + scanned copy certified by the Ministry of Foreign Relations, mentioning custody of the child + translation
  • Original Singhalese/Tamil death certificate of the deceased parent (if applicable) + copy + translation

Important Notes:

  • Only complete applications will be accepted. Make sure to check all documents are ready and in order before the appointment.
  • For family members in Germany, any additional documents, such as proof of employment or language skills, will help support your application.
  • Please avoid booking an appointment via the Embassy's general system. You must use the website for family reunification registrations.

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