Job Seeker (max. 6 months)

To apply for a qualified professional visa, you must meet the criteria of holding a recognized foreign academic degree or vocational training that is equivalent to a German degree or diploma. If your profession is regulated (e.g., healthcare sector), additional documentation may be required.

Please ensure that you submit a complete set of documents during your appointment at the Embassy. The following documents are required:

  1. Completed application form (National visa) and declaration form (Section 54 (2) 8 in conjunction with Section 53 of the Residence Act)
  2. Three biometric passport photos (not older than 6 months)
  3. Copy of all pages of your passport (A4 size copy)
  4. Motivation letter detailing your planned job search (sector, region, intended place in Germany) and Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  5. O/L and A/L examination certificates
  6. Academic degree or vocational training certificate, along with any relevant experience certificates for future employment in Germany
  7. If applicable:
    • For regulated professions: “Gleichwertigkeitsbescheid” (Equivalency Certificate) and “Berufsausübungserlaubnis” (Permission to Practice) or “Defizitbescheid” (Deficiency Notice)
    • For non-regulated professions with a vocational training certificate: “Gleichwertigkeitsbescheid” or “Defizitbescheid”
    • For non-regulated professions with a university degree:
      • Printout of ANABIN results, including the “Bewertung” (evaluation) showing how the degree is classified in the German education system (Äquivalenzklasse) OR
      • Statement of Comparability issued by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB)
  8. Proof of means of subsistence:
    • Blocked account (minimum €939 per month). Information on possible providers offering blocked accounts can be found [here].
    • OR “Verpflichtungserklärung” (declaration of commitment) by a sponsor in Germany
  9. Information regarding your intended first address in Germany, such as:
    • Tenancy agreement, hotel reservation, or invitation letter (in case of private accommodation)

Please ensure that all required documents are submitted fully and correctly to facilitate the visa processing.


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